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13.07.2021 Book
Ежегодник конституционной экономики. 2019
Сборник статей ученых из многих регионов России посвящен различным аспектам применения подходов научного направления конституционная экономика в изучении актуальных вопросов конституционного права и конституционализма.
Научный редактор: Г. А. Гаджиев Ответственный редактор: А. А. Ливеровский Составитель: А. А. Ливеровский
М.: Лум, 2020.
13.07.2021 Article
Competition Law for a Complex Economy
​As the global economy is incurring a process of transformation by the ongoing “fourth industrial revolution”, competition law is traversing a “liminal” moment, a period of transition during which the normal limits to thought, self-understanding and behaviour are relaxed, opening the way to novelty and imagination, construction and destruction. This paper studies the convergence and the remaining divergences of European competition and sector regulation in the electronic communications sector.
Lianos I.
IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. 2019. P. 1-6.
01.01.2021 Report
Computational Competition Law and Economics: Issues, Prospects
This research report examines the impact of the use of computational techniques (e.g. Big Data, AI, machine learning, deep learning) and computational economics (e.g. complex economics, systems analysis) in competition law enforcement, and explores the possibilities for more active and targeted competition law enforcement if such techniques are systematically used in the future.
Ioannis Lianos
21.12.2020 Book
Selection 2.0
The book presents the results of the "Selection 2.0" research project aimed at studying the key aspects of breeding and seed industry functioning in Russia. The project analyzes the current situation in the industry, identifies barriers and bottlenecks in its development, and develops proposals for its overcoming. For the first time the authors describe the structure of the Russian breeding market for nine crops, give ratings of varieties and hybrids according to the set of characteristics, compiled by the results of the survey of agricultural producers.
Science editors: Ivanov A., Kharchenko M., Kulikov R. Team leaders: Ivanov A., Kharchenko M., Kulikov R.
Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2020.
02.11.2020 Article
Islamic finance and food commodity trading: is there a chance to hedge against price volatility and enhance food security?
This paper evaluates current food commodity trading from the Shariah point of view, which is particularly relevant for the MENA region. It focuses on futures contracts as the main instrument for grain trading and analyzes the traders’ activities. Through a qualitative and multifaceted approach, the paper accumulates and evaluates the suggestions for 15 Shariah-based alternatives to futures by contemporary researchers.
Калимуллина М. Э., Орлов М. П.
Heliyon. 2020. Vol. 6. No. 11. P. E05355.
08.10.2020 Book
Научно-практический комментарий к Федеральному закону «О защите конкуренции» (постатейный)
Настоящий научно-практический комментарий к Федеральному закону «О защите конкуренции» подготовлен ведущими юристами и экономистами, профессионально занимающимися вопросами антимонопольного регулирования.
Ответственный редактор: И. Ю. Артемьев Под общей редакцией: И. В. Золотарёв, С. А. Пузыревский, Е. С. Хохлов, Г. П. Чернышов
М.: Статут, 2015.
01.10.2020 Working paper
Combatting cross-border cartles: empirical study
The Empirical Study was conducted for the support of the discussion during the Roundtable ‘Combating Cross-Border Cartels’ in course of the Eighth United Nations Conference to Review All Aspects of the Set on Mutually Agreed Equitable Principles and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices which took place on 22 October 2020. The current Report serves as a contribution of the Centre to the mentioned Roundtable.
Anna Pozdnyakova
04.08.2020 Book
Competition Law for the Digital Economy
The digital economy is gradually gaining traction through a variety of recent technological developments, including the introduction of the Internet of things, artificial intelligence and markets for data. This innovative book contains contributions from leading competition law scholars who map out and investigate the anti-competitive effects that are developing in the digital economy.
Научный редактор: B. Lundqvist, M. S. Gal.
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
04.08.2020 Book chapter
Public Law, European Constitutionalism and Copyright in Standards
The book addresses the question of whether technical standards decided and published by official Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and referred to in Regulations, Directives or, generally, in EU law be regarded as “law” that must be accessible to the public, or could these standards still be private goods, licensed for royalties and, indeed, only accessible by a few?
Lundqvist B.
The Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law Под науч. редакцией: J. L. Contreras. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
04.08.2020 Book chapter
Regulating competition in the digital economy With a special focus on platforms
This chapter – without any attempt to discuss all issues – sketches a framework for how to address platforms under competition law, i.e. on what levels or dimensions do they conduct their business and compete, what exclusionary unilateral practices are relevant in the digital economy, and, hence, should they be prohibited under competition law when taking into consideration legal and economic theory?
Lundqvist B.
Competition Law for the Digital Economy Под науч. редакцией: B. Lundqvist, M. S. Gal. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
01.07.2020 Article
Appropriate Level of Protection: The Most Misconceived Notion of WTO Law
This article takes stock of the panel and Appellate Body jurisprudence on ALOP and offers some thoughts, de interpretatione ferenda, on the direction that future jurisprudence should take.
Rovnov Y.
European Journal of International Law. 2020. Vol. 31. No. 4. P. 1343-1377.
11.05.2020 Article
Breeders’ and Farmers’ Exceptions: How Valuable Are They for the World and Are They a Necessity for the BRICS Countries?
These days, the world and every country in it are faced with the task of ensuring food security for people. It’s of current interest also for the BRICS countries. The ability to access genetic information and materials for seed production depends on intellectual property regimes.
Gavrilova O.
BRICS Law Journal. 2020. Vol. 7. No. 3. P. 4-28.