The research project, prepared In the context of the BRICS competition authorities' cooperation, aims to provide the first in-depth analysis of the regulation, from a competition policy perspective, of the food industry by the BRICS countries, and selected developed countries (European Union, United States).
Agriculture and Food
The report provides a better understanding of the broader contours of public action in the various segments of global food value chains
Project Materials
Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law
This volume introduces the global value chain approach as a useful way to analyse competition law and applies it to the operations of food chains and the challenges of their regulation. The book offers a conceptual and theoretical framework for competition authorities, companies and academics, and fills a massive gap in the competition policy literature dealing with global value chains and food.
Academic editors: Lianos I., Ivanov A., Davis D.
Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Selection 2.0
The book presents the results of the "Selection 2.0" research project aimed at studying the key aspects of breeding and seed industry functioning in Russia. The project analyzes the current situation in the industry, identifies barriers and bottlenecks in its development, and develops proposals for its overcoming. For the first time the authors describe the structure of the Russian breeding market for nine crops, give ratings of varieties and hybrids according to the set of characteristics, compiled by the results of the survey of agricultural producers.
Science editors: Ivanov A., Kharchenko M., Kulikov R. Team leaders: Ivanov A., Kharchenko M., Kulikov R.
Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2020.
Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2020.
Breeders’ and Farmers’ Exceptions: How Valuable Are They for the World and Are They a Necessity for the BRICS Countries?
These days, the world and every country in it are faced with the task of ensuring food security for people. It’s of current interest also for the BRICS countries. The ability to access genetic information and materials for seed production depends on intellectual property regimes.
Gavrilova O.
BRICS Law Journal. 2020. Vol. 7. No. 3. P. 4-28.
BRICS Law Journal. 2020. Vol. 7. No. 3. P. 4-28.
Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law BRICS Draft Report
The research project aims to provide the first in-depth analysis of the regulation, from a competition policy perspective, of the food industry by the BRICS countries, and selected developed countries (European Union, United States). The aim has been to map the structure of the food value chain globally, as well as in the various jurisdictions, focusing on the balance of power between the various actors in the value chain: retailers, farmers, processors and suppliers, traders, agro-industry, consumers, in the current context of technological and societal transformation.
Ioannis Lianos
The report provides a better understanding of the broader contours of public action in the various segments of global food value chains