ADM Targets Brazil’s Seed Market Entry by 2025/26 Harvest

ADM Targets Brazil’s Seed Market Entry by 2025/26 Harvest
Photo: 29.03.2024 569

Company projects a 0.5% to 1% expansion in soybean planting area in the country.

The U.S. company ADM, one of the largest agribusiness companies in the world, is preparing to compete in the Brazilian seed market from the 2025/26 season.

Raphael Costa, head of origination and inputs at ADM in Brazil, said that the company is in the process of structuring the business area. The next step is to look for partners to produce the seeds in Brazil.

“The idea is to structure the area this year to start distributing seeds in the 2025/26 season,” 

Mr. Costa told Valor during ADM’s Field Day in Uberlândia. The executive said that ADM will start with soybean seeds and, in the future, wants to compete with corn cultivars.

“As with other inputs, we have to look for partners to act in production, and we will act in distribution,” 

he said.

In the fertilizer area, for example, ADM works with different partners, the most important of which is Mosaic. In crop protection products, its main partners are Ouro Fino and Servalesa.

Mr. Costa said that entering the seed market was a natural step for ADM. 

“Seed is an essential part of inputs. We believe it makes sense to participate in this market, providing complete solutions for customers,” 

he said.

ADM also expects to make progress this year in the fertilizer market, where it hopes to increase its share to 14% from 12%.

In one of its main businesses in Brazil, grain origination, ADM expects to grow 15% in soybeans in this 2023/24 harvest, despite the 5% drop in production projected by the National Supply Company (CONAB) for the country. Today, ADM handles 12% of Brazil’s soybeans. For corn origination, the expectation is for a 10% increase in volume—the company handles 6% of the country’s corn.

Source: Valor International

agricultural markets  Brazil 

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