CADE Convicts Individual of Cartel in Salt Market

CADE Convicts Individual of Cartel in Salt Market
Photo: 02.09.2024 617

Individual had major role in collusion involving salt market.

On 14 August, the Tribunal of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) convicted individual guilty of cartel to pay a fine of about BRL 54 thousand.

The case originated from the Administrative Proceeding no. 08012.005882/2008-38, which investigated collusion in the Brazilian salt market, known as “Cartel do Sal”. The Tribunal of CADE heard the original proceeding in May 2018 and convicted several companies, associations, and individuals involved in the conduct.

According to the investigation, the defendant was part of the original proceeding since 2008. However, he alleged civil incapacity, which required the launch of a separate administrative proceeding to be analysed by the Tribunal of CADE.

The defendant worked as a secretary at the Brazilian Association of Salt Extractors and Refiners (ABERSAL) from 1974 to 2016, organisation investigated and convicted of cartel in the original proceeding.

Investigations showed that the defendant participated in the cartel. Commissioner Carlos Jacques mentioned that there is extensive evidence of leadership by ABERSAL’s former secretary in the collusion. The documents prove that the defendant had a major role and participated actively in the collusion, by organising and implementing the activities. Moreover, the defendant attended meetings and, in one of them, he even read a price fixing proposal.

The Tribunal of CADE voted for the conviction of the defendant, who is to pay a fine of approximately BRL 54 thousand.


food markets  Brazil 

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