CADE Publishes a Study on Non-Horizontal Mergers

CADE Publishes a Study on Non-Horizontal Mergers
Photo: 22.12.2023 379

The working paper consolidates products provided for in consultancy focused on raising subsidies to elaborate and proofread the non-horizontal merger guidelines.

On 28 November, the Office of the Superintendent General of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (SG/CADE) released the working paper “Concentrações não-horizontais: experiência nacional e internacional e subsídios para o novo Guia do Cade” ("Non-horizontal mergers: national and international experiences and subsidies to the new Guide of CADE"). The aim of this publication is to enable a better understanding of the theme of “non-horizontal mergers” in Brazil and other countries, either in guides or in actual cases, to provide the structure of a Brazilian guide to discuss the topic. 

The working paper comprises five sections. They address the results of Brazilian and international quantitative research on non-horizontal mergers, the analysis of content and the arrangement of foreign guidelines, a case study of the videogame market in the United Kingdom, the European Union, the United States, and Brazil, and also a proposal of structure and methodology for the guide of non-horizontal mergers in Brazil.  

The publication comprises the outputs provided for in a consultancy to SG/CADE, regarding the project International Cooperation BRA/18/016 (PRODOC), signed with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Amanda Athayde, assistant professor at the University of Brasilia (UnB), is responsible for elaborating the working paper. She is also a consultant in Competition, International Trade and Compliance, at the law firm Pinheiro Neto Advogados, and holds a PhD in Commercial Law from the University of São Paulo (USP). 

According to SG/CADE, the publication of the working paper is to contribute to strengthening CADE’s performance and to promote a culture of competition in Brazil. 

Access the working paper in Portuguese “Concentrações não-horizontais: experiência nacional e internacional e subsídios para o novo Guia do Cade



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