During the VIII Eurasian Antitrust Forum, held on October 6-7 in Kazakhstan, experts and representatives of antimonopoly authorities discussed the challenges they face, including the regulation of digital markets.
Marat Omarov, Chairman of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spoke about the plan to phase out price regulation in the country.
"State pricing is in many ways objectively justified, but in some cases it hinders the development of innovation, competition. There are also other negative aspects, for example, the effect of "pulling up", when the prices of companies begin to pull up to the threshold, appointed by the state",
explained Marat Omarov.
According to Marat Omarov, it is important to ensure the effectiveness of markets, create favorable institutional and organizational conditions for free competition and shift the emphasis from government regulation of prices to market pricing.
The plan to strengthen competition will also affect large monopolists. For example, one of the mobile operators may be separated from Kazakhtelecom by the end of the year. The Agency also told about another dominant company: complaints against Yandex.Taxi Corp, a popular cab aggregator, have become more frequent. The investigation began in January, now there is a trial.
Director of BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre Alexey Ivanov believes that it is necessary to fight with the cause of the problem, i.e. first of all it is necessary to consider mechanisms for regulating digital markets.
"The problem of protecting competition in digital markets is a global one. It is very serious in all jurisdictions, and all antitrust regulators are now trying to find approaches to it. It is not easy. There is no universal answer or recipe. The main thing is to understand where the balance between the protection of the competitive process and free market economic processes lies,"
said Alexey Ivanov.
Details - in the story Atameken Business Channel.